Center for Criminal Law and Criminology
Cập nhật lúc 10:19, 06/02/2023 (GMT+7)

1. Introduction

The Center for Criminal Law and Criminology is a unit without legal status under VNU University of Law, established following a Decision of the Rector of VNU University of Law.

2. Functions and missions

- Scientific research: Study matters related to criminal law and criminology, mainly focus on the criminal law of the Russian Federation, the United States of America, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), China, Japan, etc. and crime prevention; find partnerships and organize the implementation of projects, contracts for scientific research, application of research on foreign laws and the implementation of international cooperation activities in scientific research on criminal law and criminology.

- Education activities: Participating in teaching graduate programs in criminal law and criminology and granting certificates for practising officers at law enforcement agencies and courts. Act as the focal point for international partnership related to criminal law and criminology education as authorized by the University of Law.

- Provide legal assistance and consultancy on foreign criminal law and criminology at the request of domestic and foreign organizations and individuals.

- Organize the drafting of textbooks, reference materials, documents and materials for dissemination of legal knowledge and information on criminal law and criminology. Build a database of scientific information on criminal justice and criminology.

- Provide consultancy, develop and plan policies on criminal law, criminal procedure law, and crime prevention for the State and Government.

3. Organizational structure

- Director: Dr. Nguyen Khac Hai

4. Notable works and projects

* Books, textbooks:

(1) Protection of Vulnerable Groups in Criminal Procedure (monograph), VNU Publishing House, 2011.

(2) Fundamental Matters of Penal Law in Some Countries in the World (monograph), Legal Science Information Publishing House, Ministry of Justice, 2002.

(3) Criminal Justice System in the Context of Construction of a State that Espouses for a Rule-of-Law (monograph), VNU Publishing House, 2009.

(4) Some Urgent Issues of Vietnamese Legal Sciences in the Context of Construction of a State that Espouses for a Rule-of-Law (monograph), VNU Publishing House, 2012.

* Scientific research projects:

(1) Protection of Human Rights in the Penal Law and Criminal Procedure Law in the Context of Construction of a State that Espouses for a Rule-of-Law. VNU-level project. Completed with good quality in 2006.

(2) Fundamental Matters of Penal Law in Some Countries. VNU-level special project, leading by A.Prof.D.Sc. Le Cam. Completed with good quality in 2006.

(3) Penal esponsibility of Legal Entity in Foreign Penal Law and Its Model in the Penal Law of Vietnam in the Future. VNU-level project. Code: DHQG CB.03.02. Completed with good quality in 2005.

* Scientific and technological products in the 2016-2020 period:

Provide consultancy and recommendations in the making of criminal policies in the period of constructing a State that espouses for a rule-of-law; Provide consultancy and recommendations in the making of policies on penal law, criminal procedure law, enforcement of criminal judgments; Study theoretical and practical matters in the field of criminal justice.

5. Contact information

Room 210, E1 Building, 144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi


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